Saturday, 4 November, 2017
St. Elmo’s Fire’s Jeff Jones To Be Guest DJ on Metal Express Radio.

The California based hard rock veterans emerged again in 2015 after 13 years of hiatus with re-issue of their four previous records, the latest one from 1992! In 2017 the band rose again stronger than ever with three new members and a fresh new album “Evil Never Sleeps”, tracks from which we’ll spin after the show.
Tune in at 15:00 and 21:00 CET/ 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. EST Feb. 23rd 2018 to hear the show!
Friday, 27 October, 2017
Jeff Jones Guest On Heavy Metal Mayhem /Blogtalkradio Network
Jeff Jones, guitarist of U.S. melodic metal band St. Elmo’s Fire, will guest on the “Heavy Metal Mayhem Radio Show”.
The program, part of the Blogtalkradio Network, will be a streamed live on Sunday, November 5th at 6pm EST. Jones is the songwriter and founding member of St. Elmo’s Fire. During the interview he will discuss everything Elmo. From the history of the band in the 80’s and 90’s to the upcoming release of their new album Evil Never Sleeps on Pure Steel Records. Jones will also touch on the “Hammer” a song and video from Evil Never Sleeps based on his brother Kelley Jones ( DC Comics artist of Batman/Swamp Thing) graphic novel of the same name.
Tuesday, 31 January, 2012
Heavy Harmonies, “The Hard Rock and AOR Reference “on the Internet,
has just released their annual list for best rock albums of last year.

Vamp le Stat named to 2011 Best Album list
Making the list was XXX RECORDS AMERICA recording artist VAMP LE STAT. In fact the band was picked twice for both their “BLOODLINE 2: THRILL OF THE KILL” ,the sequel to the hugely popular “BLOODLINE: RITES OF PASSAGE”, and concert album “MUSIC TO STRIP TO ’95 LIVE” .
Sunday, 4 September, 2011
One the largest internet rock radio networks on the web, the Red Eye Radio Network has chosen JEFF JONES as their featured artist this month.
Red Eye has been a great supporter of XXX Records America since the labels formation earlier this year and continues to play in regular rotation tracks from ST. ELMO’S FIRE, VAMP LE STAT , KEESTER as well songs from Jeff’s solo albums.
Please visit Red Eye Radio to hear and see Jeff and learn more about one of rocks greatest radio networks!
Friday, 8 July, 2011
…mixing several styles of hard rock today, this album can satisfy many metal fans “Chain Around My Heart” traces the ’70 ‘s sounding like a new Led Zeppelin and Blue Cheer. Very good. It’s a strong hand! Then they mix four tracks of good old melodic American metal , good quality. 3 Scorpions-like songs and 3 acoustic tracks (Mr. Big and Extreme) rather successful, sounding really good. It should pass easily in radio (especially now). But above all there is EXCELLENT instrumental ” Rivethead JAM ” fantastic! Blues Boom ambience, incredible way it reminds me of the ’70’s (great ), the limit of psychedelia. Facinating guitar parts …. In addition to the end of the song, reminds me of drummer John Bonham. Eight minutes of happiness of ’70 ‘s mixed with the ’90’ s (because the sound and some passages are definitely there!). It lsounds like a live jam. “Desperate Years” is an album of very high quality (good sound, good songs, good musicians ) you will love this!
(see also spaced and rockhard)
Friday, 8 July, 2011
…. great show by the singe ZANE LAZAR , the lyrics aew quite impressive. —–
(see also spaced and rockhard)
Friday, 8 July, 2011
Warning! Masterpiece! I haven’t heard anything of this caliber since the early ’80’s.
From the opener “Chain Around My Heart” and its mid-tempo, to a a wonderful ballad that closes the album “Other Night To Cry”, everything is fabulous! I could go on about each title, they all are thunderous, but I limit myself to the creme de la creme . For my part thet melodic “On Fire” is a pearl! Among the other wonders we could cite for example is the acoustic “Without You” , the cutting edge “Part of My Life” ,the fast “Hot Time”, the FM radio single “Michelle”, and long instrumental “jam Rivethead” ….
For me, it is the best album of the year so far!
Friday, 8 July, 2011
A nice comeback for these veterans. They do have an emotional acoustic number like “Where Were You”…
The band does deliver some commerciality without sounding derivative.. Occasionally they sound like Ozzy Osbourne. However the bands musicianship brings them beyond any easy comparisons.
It sometime hints of early Michael Schenker (MSG) I guess. I’m not saying they aren’t a creative band .they are. It’s a great sounding album from a great hard rock band!
(see also spaced and rockhard)
Friday, 8 July, 2011
… after 2 years of silence St. Elmo’s Fire returns with a very good album following “Powerdrive”. The new one titled “Desperate Years” is a mixture of songs in a fast style of heavy metal but also with a softer side, which rocks! The album is very solid ..
(see laso spaced and rockhard)
Friday, 8 July, 2011
Powerdrive is a great rock n roll explosion. From the first until the last note, the music pulls you through a tornado of catchy melodies, catchy choruses and steamy rockers. It’s glam rock at it best . Singer ZANE LAZAR sounds better than what we are used to in this genre. The drive is set forth by the fantastic drumming of KRIS GUSTOFSON. And although they do not deviate from the beaten path, JEFF JONES guitar solos are still enjoyable. But its primarily the riffs that he plays that deserve the most attention.
(see also spaced and rockhard)